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Site & Source - Banias

Yair Lior

Updated: Jul 11, 2021


Is this the original name or a distortion? And how does this place relate to Parah Aduma?

In the Mishnah in Tractate "Parah", the sages of the Mishnah who lived about 2000 and more years ago, clarify which pure water can used to purify oneself before Passover, and they identified the source of water in the Cave of Pemis as such, as stated:

בְּאֵר אַחְאָב וּמְעָרַת פַּמְיָס, כְּשֵׁרָה.

(מסכת פרה פרק ח משנה יא)

Be'er Ahab and the cave of Pamias, kosher.


Tractate Parah Chapter 8, Mishnah 11)

Later in the period of writing the Talmud before about 1500-1600 it was written:

אמר רב כהנא: עיקרו של ירדן, ממערת פמייס (רש"י)

(מסכת בכורות דף נה עמוד א)

Rabbi Kahana said: The essence of Jordan (river), from the Cave of Pemis (Rashi)

(Tractate Bechorot Daf Ne Page A)

Rabbi Ovadia of Bartenora, who lived about 510 years ago in about the year 1510, in Jerusalem writes in his commentary: and the Cave of the Panias:

"A cave near the city of Dan, from which Jordan (river) emerges. And in the language of Ishmael "Dan" is called "Banias".

The languages and dialects of the many different peoples who were here, distorted the name of the cave from whose depths fresh,pure water flows. These waters flow into the Jordan and fill the Sea of ​​Galilee, from which multitudes of people satisfy their thirst.

Ninety Eight years ago, in 1923, an agreement was signed between France and Britain called:

"Paula-Newcomb" (French-British) who left this cave in British territory and in fact was included in the territory of the State of Israel.

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